
I had to wait for a long time, but finally it's happening. On December 12th Infamis will present in a "Record Release" Concert their new album. 8pm at "Kino Babylon" in Berlin-Mitte. Mark your calendar.

And what makes me really happy is, that the record is going to be released on Wim Wenders own Berlin based label. Why this makes me happy? Well, a while ago I interviewed Wim Wenders during one of his visits to San Francisco. My High Tech and brand new recording device went on strike, total catastrophe, a small dictaphone saved me. The interview was very interesting and you can find it right here

Before I went to the interview I had asked Rene, the singer of Infamis, if it would be ok with him, if I gave Wim Wenders one the Infamis promo CDs I had at my house. Rene approved and so I handed Wim Wenders after our conversation the album and talked a bit about my favorite Berlin band. Wim Wenders promised he would listen to it.

Things are turning slow, and slow, but finally it's happening. I'm very excited and I'm happy for Infamis. I can't wait for this new album.

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