Wunderbar together

Electronic Music "Made in Germany"

The soundscapes by Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream, the minimalistic computer sounds by Kraftwerk, the hard beats of the techno generation, the experimental electro fiddling... Germany is known for its rich, diverse electronic music scene. Many of those musicians have become pioneers in their genres, they have testes limits, what is tonally possible, what they can get out of their "machines", how Gudrun Gut described it.

In this "Wunderbar Together" story we forge a bridge from the musical painters of the early 1970s to the techno beats of our time. And yes, this show is not a complete description of the "scene", it rather should be listened to as an appetizer for music "Made in Germany". You will hear Klaus Schulze, Bernd Kistenmacher, Gudrun Gut, Danielle de Picciotto, Tomcraft and Lützenkrichen.
